Sunday, December 9, 2012

Of goodness and badness and all the pointless things that do not exist.

Past few weeks have been crazy. The company we founded had its first public appearance (you can check the show here) and preparing it consumed most of my day, so there had been a little time left for thinking about other stuff than dresses. However, there was a lot of observation made, but in a way, I would not like to talk about fashion and its whims here, I will however post photos in one of the following blog entries. I wasn´t actually sure what I would like to talk about in this one, but then this morning my yogi master (yes, I have one) posted a video (on the bottom of the page) on facebook that got me all emotional and caught in thinking about us, the people.
It is this time of year, when the end - in many aspects - is drawing near and that makes us think about the past we lived, the past we co created and the past we shared. So excuse me for being a little more personal in this entry, I am helplessly caught in the web of reminiscing, memories and plans for the future. This year is special with the supposed end of the world, the regular birth of Savior and inevitable end of the year, they are all pushing us down the alley of self evaluation and the assessment of the year behind, as if “the end” would bring us a completely new and clean start with an empty page to scribble down our daily endeavors to make sense of the continuum we call life. It is needless to say that I do not think world would end in a spectacle we can watch first hand in the front row, however, I do believe things are about to change. Not in a drastic way, that is, rather I imagine its progression in a smooth transition of the human awareness, that I sense present for quite some time.

I am not sure if I have ever mentioned The Brownian motion, I talked about many things here, but I believe Brownian motion is worth mentioning twice and more, for it gives the exact explanation of how we are connected. What is more, it has a lot to do with what that video I mentioned above is about and even more so, it talks the language of the company we founded titled TheCollective, and its philosophy and vision.