Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Of bosons and fermions and other human relations

I always believed in simplicity. That is why I love physical science. It believes in it too. Or to put it in Richard Feynman´s words: If nature will reveal its self a given way, who am I to tell it is not so!  One cannot force one´s idea on something. You accept it for what it is. That is why Feynman is my favorite scientist.
Simplicity is pointing it out clearly. What works on a smaller scale, must be working on a bigger one as well. Ironically, Physical science is trying for years to join Quantum Mechanic with General relativity. They each work on a simple scale, but when you join them, one gets results that not even magician can come up with. But they are a part of and each precisely describe the same Nature.
No matter how complicated it looks on the surface, how grand the momentum of all particles is, from the simple Law´s point of view, there is no other way for a chosen event to happen, but to follow it.
We humans think we are complicated. We feel pride and we feel special claiming that. It gives us a sense of reason for being here. It ensures us we are on the top of the Evolution. Complicated as we may seem, one would have a hard time finding a person who would not wanted to experience, share and feel love. It looks as if love might be the simple Law that undergoes our existence. It supports it. It gives it weight. But Love has nothing to do with relationships. We make relationships complicated, Love just simply is.  And so there was this Book, "Time, Space and Things" by B. K. Ridley that gave me an interesting thought.
See, there are this “families” of basic particles that make all we know real. Those families are Fermions and Bosons.  According to Pauli´s principle no two same electrons can occupy same space. In order to do so, they have to have a different Spin. And there can only be two of them. Electrons are Fermions. And in this family, Protons and Neutrons are too. All of them together making up an Atom. Bosons, on the other hand, are not bothered by each other. There can be as many as possible together, hell, “the presence of one, far from excluding, positively encourages the company of another”(Ridley, pg. 26). In this family are Photons and Gravitons. The particles that make Light and Gravity, or to be precise, the fields in which they travel.  Whereas Bosons are a particles of Togetherness, Fermions are Individualists. Sounds familiar?
How amazing is it, that particles making Light (Electromagnetic field) and Gravity have no restriction, but are all about acceptance and working together, not feeling oppressed or endangered by the presence of another? And how astonishing it is, that Fermions, the ones that make elementary entity like Atom real, can be overruled by the effect of a Strong force, without which, nucleus would just fall apart. There is a Force needed that can overcome the exact basic character “flaw” that makes stuff real. The stuff like stone, water, concrete, oil, things, animals….human.
Could it be then there are two types of people? Boson ones, for whom it feels natural to look for a human being to share their life with, that feel confirmed by them. And Fermion ones, that lead their individual life of independence, troubled and challenged by the presence of another human and in need of a special force, a really strong one, to make them forget their differences and start working together, to bring something else, bigger than them, real? Could Love be the force needed for that? Could it be, Love was invented for us to accept eachother, because, there are not many of Boson type around. Could it be, Human became Fermion when he departed from basic drive of an animal and started to use Intellect. Is it so hard to believe, that intellect caused the birth of Love, but now fears it all the same?
Or is it simpler, yet, that we become Boson by realising independency is not an answer and that in codependency lies the secret to happiness. Alanis Morisette said: The moment I let go of it was the moment I got more than I could handle. The moment I jumped off of it Was the moment I touched down. Maybe she is right? Let go and jump. Simple enough?

1 comment:

  1. yay a blog;D I was starting to miss those...
    but I'm not sure I agree on your "two different types of people" theory. Maybe because it's so dualistic...

