Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Of worshipping, God and other tragedies that follow liberation from the obviously misunderstood.

Maybe it is time for me to accept the truth that I am not disciplined enough a person to hold up to my own expectations of posting regularly. Maybe it is also the right time to admit it to myself that having something to say is different than having to say something. I am my own worst enemy when I place deadlines and pose systems on my fluctuating life. Nothing I do is planed, nothing is done by force. So I quit apologizing and commence seizing the moment of inspiration instead. There it goes.

I have mentioned Ego before and I will mention it many times to come, but I am not ready to talk about it yet. However, what I want to talk about is loosely linked to it. What really grinds my gears (wink to you, Peter Griffin) is men worshipping other men, or women for that matter. Actually, what makes me wonder is worshipping of any kind. I am not interested in why this has been a long lived practice. There are studies done about that and I am not an expert in that matter. All I know is my own little world and the awareness of the effects experiences have on my Self. I am also not interested in arguing why that practice would be wrong or finding proofs that it might be right. But most of all, I am not trying to change anyone´s opinion or persuade anyone to stop believing what one believes. I live by the code be and let be. I have no problem with that. However I do have one simple question that is repeatedly surfacing my wide ocean of conscience: What is wrong with notion that people are just that, people?