Friday, February 3, 2017

Personally Metamorphosis

Hey there, it has been a long time since my last entry. A lot has happened since (it would be weird if It hadn’t). And I will not go into details, the fact is, I was absent and now I am back. Or like Richard Fish would say: “Bygones!”

I was thinking about starting a new blog, because the vision for this one has changed during this time off. I wanted to connect more to the fashion and art part of my life. I have opened my own business and forged a fashion label that will launch its first collection this year. There is no time for idle thinking anymore; I have entered a realm of action. I need to promote things I do, or what we at theCollective do (the platform where artist collaborate on projects together, merging identities).  I have a clear vision of where I want to go. One could say that after all this thinking I finally understand my strengths and I have found my focus. That focus is me.

I understand now that I have to be what I say, and I think I say reasonable things. My fascination with science and the connections I find that govern the undercurrents of social dynamics have taught one thing. Everything is in fact connected by the strings of fundamental laws that seemingly bend when met with chaos we call life.  And that chaos is random and meaningless, and it is wonderful, because it makes life even more valuable.  Science has taught me that there are no differences between living creatures, that there is a link between every single living organism, if looked far enough into the past. It has showed me that life is rare, coincidental and therefore precious. The universe is vast and void and cold, and the end is inevitable, but it gave birth to a matter that, if put together perfectly, can think, feel and create wonderful things. We are stardust. 

How can I then exclude something that defines me? Science is a part of me. It influences everything that I do, sometimes explicitly and sometimes only in the content. It is intertwined with my way of thinking, designing, creating and living. Even though I set out to make a fashion brand, that brand is in the end me. And if anything, previous entries give my work a deeper perspective. Not that it is needed, because I like to think that what I am making is devoid of emotion and purpose, but it opens a space for observer to make one for himself. So I will continue this blog, after all brand goes by the name personally … Dejan Fon Krajnik. 

So here is to growth. On any level. 

My name is Dejan Fon Krajnik, and I am a designer in progress. These are my thoughts, anecdotes, works and all the things that make me tick. 

1 comment:

  1. Very beautifuly written! You have a unique mind and profound talents witch I hope you can imprint in your work and share it with everyone :)
