Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Of time, space and other delicious slices

As an artist or, let´s say, a creative person, I derive all of my inspiration from Physics and Mathematics, which allows me to find new ways to compose my designs or find the scientific reason for them to be the way they are. This has been working for me so far and it feels like an “it has to be that way”. I found out early in my beginnings not to fight the outcome but to accept it, to allow the garments to happen the way they want, to let textile shape the way it feels. One could easily say I follow some kind of destiny´s touch (whereas I see it more as an unpredictability ´s touch). This is interesting to me, because I refuse to believe in Destiny, but my refusal does not work as a proof of its non existence. One wise monk of satanistic movement said: “If you believe in God, than you have to believe in Devil.” Or to quote the movie Constantine when Rachel Weiss said: “I do not believe in Devil!” to which Constantine responded: “Well, you better start, because he surely believes in you!”
So I was trying to understand where this sense of Destiny comes from, where this feeling of “rightness of moments” comes from; why do I truly believe I was meant to be a designer; why I feel it like my calling. I made it clear in the previous blog entry about Destiny when I said we people find a simple way that unwinds itself to this very point only when looking back. It feels as if we had been led by a careful hand to this very moment of our life. True, I found out. Something does lead us. But it is not Destiny. It seems to me that it has all already happened.” 
 I assume everyone is familiar with special relativity. So, time and space make one single unity dependent on each other. The faster you move the slower the time, the heavier you get. And since we are all moving through the space-time continuum simultaneously, when resting at peace, we glide only through time. Brian Greene has described an interesting fact about space-time loaf, as he calls it. He said, we cut this loaf in the parallel slices consisting of the same moments of Now throughout all Universe, if we do not move relative to each other. Meaning, to all beings that are at rest, the time-space loaf slice includes same momentum, action, etc. However, once they start moving relative to one another, they cut it in angles, thus cutting through ones future or past, dependent on which direction the movement is arrowed at. So he proposed a scenario in which a guy on Andromeda is sitting on a bike. If he himself is sitting too, they both move through time-space at the same time sharing the same Now, whose slices are consisting of the same happenings in Universe. If it were possible for them to see each other instantly, they would perceive the same reality. However, once the Andromeda guy starts walking towards Earth with 5km/h he cuts the loaf in such manner, so that his Now slits through Earth´s future of 150 years. His Now would be our Future. And the opposite happens when he moves in other direction, seeing 150 years in the past. Could Andromeda guy see what is happening on Earth, he would be able to warn us. But light is a limit, and her speed is a fact no one can break, for now.

This has made me think. If we are all relative to each other, sharing different Nows of each other´s future and past all the time, and if on a bigger scale, lets say, from one part of the universe to the opposite far, far away we cut the loaf in a bigger and bigger angles, is it possible that our NOW cuts someone else´s birth of universe?  Or the demise of existence? In physics, past is not gone and future is not not-yet-happened. Our past and future are just someone else´s Now. So to say, they co-exist and continue to exist long after and before they have happened. Could it be that, by this conclusion, my life has already happened for someone else? And for his present, am I not yet born? Could it be, that everything was created in an instant, all our lives in one single moment including our decisions, loves, sufferings, successes and failures, birth and death and we are just reliving it? Is that what destiny feels like? Does this sense of purpose come from the possibility that we only surf through the slices of time and space like in a movie that we directed before we were even conscious of it? In the end, each person is conscious of only his Now. The present moment is subjective. Others only see our future or past, but because we move on a much slower rate needed for the difference to be visible, we perceive it as same moment.  And that is a fact, not my assumption. Scary, yet fascinating. And this is where I see Destiny.
No matter what the reality behind that fact is, it fills me with wonder and ease. And to conclude with a thought my Yogi master wrote on my Facebook timeline: Present is ever present. Past and future are also present. This whole creation has no significance, nor does the time and nor does the space.
So here´s that!

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