Wednesday, March 7, 2012

of power of thought, red Golfs and other realities

Yesterday I was asked a question.  Do I believe in the Law of attraction? I remember holding a book in my hands once called “the secret” and watching the movie with the same title, but I stopped after 10 minutes into it. I remember not thinking too highly of it. I thought it to be too much of a new “New Age” thing for me. I consider myself a person of reason and intuition that does not easily follow any esoteric path someone comes up with. That is a gray area where no one is right or wrong. There is nothing that can be proved and nothing that can be simply dismissed. I respect that. It does not work for me, however. It is not that I need proof of its working, but I need convincing that is “real life” based. And when I say real life, I mean Reality on an objective level. I like to imagine I am able to lift myself up and observe the situation as a whole and not being blinded by simple desire or need to be important or to matter.  So let me elaborate on this.
I let my friends give me the proper summary of it. What they basically said was: “What you think happens.” And that, in itself, is the issue I just simply cannot accept. The thing with this is the illusion of possessing the actual Power to change Reality. In Zen Buddhism a simple line sums the Reality: Life is. So, Things happen. Reality is what it is. Surely we influence reality just by being present; we certainly do cause things to happen. I am causing something right now, sitting in the bar having a tea and enjoying my morning rolled cigarette. I do not know what I am causing by that, but had I not been doing it, we would have been talking about completely different Universe.  But to change it?

The way I see it, Life simply happens. It goes on not taking care of whether we want to be an active part of it or not. Whatever we do (or not do, for that matter) has an immediate impact on the Reality all of us create together all the time, as people, as atoms or as vibrating strings that make them and everything else too. We are participants of life that reflect on it, while living it. It is when we include our intellect and interpret life, that we get the sense of accomplishment, achievement, failure etc. And herein I see the basic problem with the Power of attraction.  Let me explain:
We all know how we feel when we are in love. We are focused. Probably the highest thought concentration in life. Everything reminds us of that person. And if that person drives a red Golf, we will see them red Golfs everywhere. The fact is, had the situation not been like that, we would not have noticed them at all. But that does not mean, those red Golfs just wouldn´t come into existence. They just wouldn´t come into our existence. They still pass us by, the same quantity of them, but to us, all they represent now, is another car. So it is not that we change the Reality, it is how we notice it that is different.
The Power of thought, however, makes you want to change Reality instead of accepting it. It makes one believe life can be made better by thinking and sincere wishing. Anyone heard of the story of a guy who kept asking God to win a lottery? Eventually God had to appear and tell him to at least buy a ticket!
 Once one accepts life for what it is, then one realizes there is no-thing to blame. No other entity we are subjects to. No reward or punishment. Reward is, after all, someone else´s punishment! It is our interpretations that make us consider things as such. The fact is, however, it is not the Reality we can change, it is the interpretation of it. The Power of thought points towards a person not away of it.
There is freedom in knowing we are responsible for our own Lives and Reality we share. It is not different for anyone of us. Einstein showed that with relativity. Naïve analogy that is sure, but explanatory enough.  And being responsible does not mean taking the blame. It means taking care! There are but a handful of things we can control and those should stay in our focus. No-one, with most heartful whishing, will cause a mountain to move. So here´s that!
To answer to the question, No, I do not BELIEVE in a Power of thought. I do not believe what One thinks will happen, but rather I do ACCEPT the reality, that what One thinks, one can act upon it. So in a sense, I agree that with a change of thought, Reality becomes better. But the fact is, it is us who become better, things stay the same, only then we see them in a better light.
And is there the Power to change the Reality? YES. Do, what you think. By active participation, one raises the probability to things coming his way. Like an old saying…even a blind Chicken finds a seed! …after eating some sand (is what I add).
Don’t  think things happen, make them!    

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