Friday, February 19, 2016

Of big questions, the now and random rambling of a sceptic’s mind pt.1

What am I doing? This terrifying question has been haunting me for quite some time now. I have never thought about what I am doing or where I am going with my life before. I was simply living, existing with quite arrogant conviction that I am on my way to there. I always saw “there”. However, now that I think of it, the picture was never quite clear. It never depicted anything. Rather it was a smudged image of something. Like when you smart blur a foto in PS almost to 100, or more accurately, add the motion blur filter to it, so it looks like you are running towards it. I do, however, recall one clear thing from previous envisions of “there” – the atmosphere.

In my “there” I was fulfilled. I don’t know what that means. Being fulfilled. It sounds cool and mysterious and somewhat wise. It sounds like the “Sometimes running away is the bravest thing to do” poster that seems pretty damn wise and comforting, but still leaves the “when” open. How do you know, when is the bravest thing to do to run away? It poses more questions than answers, doesn’t it! We are not living a single cause and effect life. We are literally bombarded with little influences all the time and our actions do not have a single outcome. We influence each other much more than we like to think. F*ck that kind of wisdom, right! And f*ck people who post it on Facebook! (I just f*cked myself, didn’t I. Oh well.)

As you might have come to know, I am a sucker for science. I like facts. I was always intrigued by nature and its creations, like humans. I want to understand why things are the way they are, what this tells about our reality, why we do the things we do and why we react the way we do afterward. I am not so much interested in a personal view of a subject as I am interested in the essential. I am looking for the core of how we all are wired - there we are all the same. We are not that special. No matter how much we like to believe our grannies. We are unique, that is true (not so much for the identical twins, but they can still live independent lives) and we are almost a miracle (extremely low chance of occurrence), if we take into consideration the path of coincidences (or was it fate) that led to your conception plus the 280mio of fellow fighters swimming with “you” in the ooze your father blasted up your mum’s pleasure canal. You are lucky to be alive, says Richard Dawkins, you have a privilege to die.  

I should say in advance that I am not trying to justify my couch thinking using scientific facts.  There has been a lot of damage done by quasi gurus in the likes of Deepak (I will delve into that next time). I try to do it the opposite way, not always successful, but hey, I am not important anyways. What I am trying to do, is not spreading lies. So I have decided to elaborate on purposefulness. Lets begin with miracle of existence.

I have recently posted a wiseass status update on my FB page, saying “there is no meaning of life…you make a meaningful life”. Yeah, I know, I have not specified anything about the how. Oh, the irony. However, there is a huge difference between “running away wisdom” and “meaning wisdom”. The latter is based on the facts of science. While there is in fact no meaning of life, running away, from scientific point of view, is always good for your health.

(Oh what a nerve, to say something like that; that there is no meaning of life. How dare I! Boo hoo hoo)

I don’t want to go into the details here (there will be time for that too) but if you know the basic facts about how evolution, genetics and astronomy work and merge their mechanisms together, you can’t but appreciate the miraculous coincidence of this existence and its definite demise into absolute stillness where nothing ever happens, entropy reaches its maximum level and thus erases the meaning of time. But even before that, way earlier in the time space continuum, the Earth will be consumed by the red giant our sun will turn into, when it runs out of fuel in its core. And yet, I am convinced we will not see that day either. We will destroy each other first. What a purposeful existence indeed!

You see, a conscious man has created its purpose, giving himself a reason to exist. It has created an imaginative being out of ignorance. This being is excluded from everything that normally leaves a trace in this measurable universe. And man (or a woman, for all of you feminazis out there) is obeyed to serve this entity in order to get an award after his life (that is only a transition between worlds (oh man! …or woman!)) comes to an end.

Now it is clear that God is not necessary for this Universe to work out the way it does, so some people conveniently renamed it Intelligence. God has suddenly become the author (the primal cause) of some set of rules, beautifully written equations using mathematical tools to explain the physical laws whole universe abides by. These rules were smartly hidden away for us to figure out.  The irony is, by discovering and testing these rules we take away bigger and bigger chunks of the Intelligence. So now these clumsy mammals are saying we are meddling with wrong things and that we lost our way. We should, in order to find our way, put aside thinking and rational thought, because, after all, mind is our enemy. It is polluted and manipulated and deceived. It is too human, too imperfect. Too feely, feely, touchy, touchy!  We need to trust the (positive?) Energy, we are all one with nature, and universe takes care of us. We need to become like cats, like fish … like animals? We need to become organisms that kill and are killed solely for survival, take care of each other as long as it is needed, reproduce, eat and shit? We need to let go of precisely that, which brought us here to this moment and made us able to question ourselves? Wittgenstein much? Or is it dark ages again?

Oh, we are disappointed in ourselves, hippy-dippy say. Oh, we are lost. Oh, we live in a society that is oblivious and apathetic. Oh, we are living in the world of complete control, where our freedom has been taken away from us, where purpose has been diminished to buying stuff. Really?

What was the purpose of a slave in Egypt that was building up a pyramid? (well, Aliens!) Born into slavery, died in slavery. What was the purpose of an African, bought away from his tribe, put on a boat to die on the way to a world that would treat him as an animal? What is the purpose of a Syrian refuge, whose home has been destroyed and taken away by people who believe in same God? (oh did I just go there?) What is a purpose of a kid dying from cancer at the age 14? We do not know, but god has a plan!

We in fact are living in the most free world, with options people 40 years ago never dreamt of having. Surely, we are not there yet (where?) but things are changing for the better. Slowly. Knowledge is certainly the way. And we get that more and more, faster and faster.

Let’s also not ignore the fact that we are mammals - conscious, walking mammals. We just call ourselves humans and call the rest animals. These are man made labels; they have no value in reality. We are just organisms, nothing more. We are perfectly synchronized organs wrapped under porous skin, like a sack of potatoes, that got their nerves wired in such a way so that became aware of them selves - but not of the processes that are running in the background for the body to actually work (the twist!). We are machines that took a billion years to come by. We are not perfect. We are flawed. There are so many things wrong with how our body is built that, if the Grand Designer came to my studio with a proposition of a man like we are now, I would laugh him out of my office. There are clearly two aspects to a man - the body and its consciousness. The body does not need the mind. People survive even in a vegetative state, leading mindless lives - sometimes even consciously. But the mind needs a body. Could it be, because it is a product of it, rather than a reason for it? (oh the twist!)

We – the mammal sacks of conscious potatoes - have built up a society, made up borders, declared something as ours all in the delusion that we are the reason all this was made for. We made our prisons in how we should be when we reach a certain age, what success is, how we should behave according to expectations, how we should have sex, how we should eat. For god’s sake, we even decided on what a kind of delusion is acceptable. Unicorns no! God yes! Leprechauns no! Jahve Yes! No, Alah! No, Vishnu! No, Gaya! No, Anubis! No, Anubis no! That was a delusion from ignorance. What about Zeus and Xibalba? Same! Ignorance.
We decided all of this, just to define differences and importance they have for someone’s personal interests and gain. We divided us in categories, casts, levels, ranges, statuses, ranks, roles - defining a purposeful serving to the Grand plan.

People, there is no right way of how we should be and behave. No one gave us user’s guide at the time of our birth. There were some attempts to write them down, but they turned out to be focused on crowd control, they were culture and time based and they were local, which really does not make them useful. Hitchens said: “Human decency is not derived from religion. It precedes it.” We can’t possibly know where we are going. But we feel how we can get there. And this includes human interaction. We know, inertly, what we can or cannot do. I call it healthy egocentrism – would I allow people to treat me the way I am treating them? That is all. If an answer to bullying, fighting, hitting, killing, cheating, emotional extortion, deceit, manipulation, fear mongering, excluding, shaming, hating etc. is yes, then there is something inertly wrong with the way you are wired. And that means it is still not your fault. Not at all. If we were animals without conscience and compassion, we would simply eliminate everyone that brings disruption to our existence. Or they would eliminate themselves by not being successful in passing on their genes. (Or not. Evolution does not pick sides.) But we are not animals without compassion and conscience. We are humans that forgive and forget, even though we do so out of fear to put a black smudge on what will come afterwards  (no one wants to go to hell or be reborn as a plant). We should forgive and forget because we would like to be forgiven, and we surely will be forgotten in time, irrevocably.

I am not saying we should go to “there”, but I like the thought of world rid of all delusions that have nothing to do with reality.

I know there is no meaning of my life, personally. No task has been given to me at birth. And no one has planted anything inside my head that I have to figure out. I could just be. Like the guy I met in Pairs, whose full existence was centred on moving from bus station to bus station, not even asking for money, peeing and taking shit in public, so that everyone noticed him, eating and repeating the process. Every day. Human existence in its grandeur, people! Where is your purposeful existence now!?  

Asking yourself, what you are doing, is a futile, stress-causing question that pushes you away from being happy. Oh yes, if there is anything I would connect with purposefulness it is happiness (Or is it being content, happiness is overrated!) So the question I should ask myself is, am I content with where I am and how I got to “here”, and why (not)? The same goes for you! We can be anything we want, when we want, how we want. The question, are we content with “there” and how we got to “there”, still remains as a final judgement. We are the ultimate deciders. That’s a given. Do you think a fish in the moment of its demise thinks where it came to? Do you think other fishes judge it for only producing 1 offspring, like Nemo? It was simply doing, what it was made for. Make sure its genes spred on. What Zen calls a state of wholeness is actually denying what makes us human. We think. We thought our way to where we are now. If we were living solely according to Buddhism we would not come anywhere. We would reject the material world we are bound to by default. If we had trusted in god’s love and care completely, we would have not achieved anything. Ironic “thank god” for doubters and conformists. They were the ones that moved things ahead.

I can easily say, I don’t know where I am going or what I am doing. I am just trying my best not to fall so hard, that I would not be able to lift myself up anymore. I choose what to do, using the information I got from experiences in the past and the feeling of contentment while doing so. It feels as the most logical thing to do in order to maintain that feeling. When I say that I feel fulfilled in my visions, I have no clue of what I am doing “there”. What I am doing now has only a specific influence to where I am going - am I content? I can always stop what I am doing, if I am not content. There are no limitations that prevent me from doing so, only the ones in my head. We set our limitations with morals, duties, responsibilities, honour, love, system, politics, etc. We are not supposed to take care of others, family or anything at all. Physically, if you are not actually nailed to the bed, you can up and leave at any time. We are not even expected to take care of a sick mother. Evolution wise, there is no need for that. Mother has done her job, when she gave birth to you and made you able to spread on your genes. The question is, would you feel content, as a person, if you did so? Would you allow others to treat you like that? (That is how they get us.) And even though I have no clue what I am doing in “there” I am pretty sure I am on my way. I am here now, am I not? Well, this brings me to the next question. Why now? Why do I ask myself what I am doing now? What has changed, besides the fact that I have, for the first time ever, the age I have. Was it fate? And why does it terrify us to amount to nothing, when there is precisely nothing we can amount to.

Next time. And there’s that.

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