Monday, December 8, 2014

Of love, being in love and other mistakes we need to make.

Summer has arrived. Finally! It is 35 degrees in shadows and somewhere around 40 in my room, where I keep the iron running in order to guarantee impeccable garments. It has been strange, this year, so far. The usual transitions between seasons were blurred with weather´s strange behavior. Summer, spring and autumn have all been mixed together from February on. Now summer is here, however spring has been kind of missing. Not so much in the weather-like sense, as in the awakening of body and soul that accompanies it. Normally in spring I get all fired up with energy and when I see trees bloom I start to bloom within myself as well. I fall in love with Life. This year, the grey and the cold rain made me less open to emotionally glow. On the opposite, I was quite bitter and with energy level so low that I thought sometimes I would not survive the day.

It happened to me this week that a certain feeling was evoked in me. A feeling long forgotten. Actually, a feeling missed. I felt, as if I was in love. Pheromones, hormones, basic it whatever, it was there and it still keeps in going. So I started to think about it. About love. Not only love for a particular person, but love, you know, the omnipresent one. The one we all like to talk about, but mix it the former one. I gave it a thought, deciding if I should write about this subject I have been avoiding for some time, although, I believe it has always subliminally underlined every sentence I wrote since the beginning. So I sat down and started to read a book I just bought titled: “Celebration of silence” by his holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. Since I do not believe in destiny, I shall call it a purposeful coincidence, be as it may, I opened it on the pages discussing love. And here are my thoughts he provoked.

I once wrote on Facebook: “To fall in love with one person is to fall out of love with everybody else!” This is still something I truly believe in, even though there have been some comments made in disagreement that were true, however they missed the point of what I was trying to say. There are two things I would like to state in the beginning, so there would not be any misunderstanding or hurt feelings afterwards. There is difference between “being in love” and “to love”. My friend, psychology student, told me once that being in love is nothing more than a projection of ideal self onto a person one is attracted to. At that time, the idealist me was shocked by that statement, so I reacted the way everyone, that got his world shook, would. I got defensive. However, I got to realize in the next few minutes, that he was right. He did not need to persuade me, I knew that already, he just said it out loud first. I knew that being in love is projection, obsession, lust, need, attraction, idealization all mixed in one, because I was living it at that very moment. I accepted reality he showed, shockingly enough, by knowing what being in love is I understood what to love is. It is everything else.

When one is in love, one focuses all his interest on solely one person. That emotion being so strong, there is not much left for other people. When strongly in love, one fails to see other people. One fails to feel them. One feels oneself only. However, what is happening is, one focuses on that mixture called projection that does not cover the truth completely. One feels whatever one feels for an untrue image of a person of interest. Interest, now that is a good word! That is what “being in love” should be called. One has an interest in another human being. One is moved by him, adores him and wants to be with him physically. But more so one wants to get to know him better. The being in love stage is necessary for a deeper bondage to be made. And this is the point where love matters usually get messy. As soon as projections fall and realization of true character kicks in, disappointments arise and we start to drift apart. If we weren´t successful in making a deeper connection, there is no other way. We call a simple interest in a person being in love.

Love on the other hand is something completely different. And when I talk about love, I talk about this kind. So if “being in love” is actually “loving the assumption” what would then be “loving”? Not loving the assumption? Which means, loving facts. Which means, being in love with reality. The way things are, the way people are, the way we are. Because there is nothing more to us than how we are.  The real you is just you. The way you are. So when we love, we do not love someone for how he does his job, how he smiles, his humor, body, wealth, how he makes you feel, …etc, because that kind of love would be a selective one. That would be like knowing partial truth and sell it as whole Reality. Real love is wholesome.  It is that moment when you love all of who someone is. It is not even accepting. I thought that wrong whole my life. It is not even tolerating, because tolerance needs disagreement first in order to be felt. What one likes, one does not feel the need to accept or tolerate. One just likes it and that´s it. If you say, I accept you, what you really say is, I do not like everything about you, but you are a good match, so I will ignore that and focus on the things I like. Again, selective Love. Sri Sri says: “Do not accept people the way they are, do not even tolerate them. Tolerance expresses deep resistance that can turn into hatred in any second. If you do not love them, you have to accept them. Do not accept people the way they are. Simply, love them the way they are.” Accepting is not a step towards love, is the first step away from it. One does not even need to forgive, because no one makes mistakes. Mistakes are just lessons and we all need them. We are all human and we need to learn. That is why we get to know each other. That is why we start relationships. What we perceive as a mistake is a lesson in itself. And what others perceive as your mistake is only their expectations made upon you that were not met. That is their pure ego talk.

I said many times that relationships are a decision that has to be made. To go from general Love towards focus for one person only.  There is no right one, however. Surely there are healthier and not so healthy ones. There are sickened ones, but there is no right one. No one has ever found it. That is why we are looking for them. Like Spielberg said, when they asked him what a perfect movie was. He replied: “If we knew, we would stop making them!” Relationships are defined and perceived, but as long as they function, they are purposeful. If they weren´t, they would not come to existence in the first place. Love, however, just is.

My favorite quote from Sri Sri´s book puts it nicely: “Let love be. Do not name it. When you do, it becomes a relationship that limits love. There is love between us. Just let it be. If you name it, for example Brother, Sister, Mother, Father, Guru, you create relationship. When you enforce love with relationship, you limit it. What is your relationship to yourself? Are you your Sister, Brother, Husband, Guru? Let love be. Do not name it.”

We have the saying “love is blind”. We use it in context with affection, with being in love. In my opinion, however, it implies even greater truth about love. Love is not blind only when we are infatuated with someone, it should be all the time! If we loved blindly, we could start a relationship with anyone at any given moment, but we mistake love for the interest and affection of seeing. It is in our nature. That is how we are. Psychologists, anthropologists and sociologists have lots to say to prove and support that kind of love. The reproductive one.

My friend told me few months ago, that he needs time to feel love. Love needs time. Even years. I totally agree with you, my friend. That kind of love does. The other kind does not, so I love you.

And there is that!

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